The Kibo Code Quantum by Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton: legit? A real Review

Whenever people talk about making money online,they are looking for shortcuts. One of these shortcuts are courses like The Kibo Code Quantum. Let me tell you a little bit about this course.

The Creators of the Kibo Code Quantum

The course was created by Aidan booth & Steve clayton,who both are seasoned entrepreneurs. Both have launched products in the past that have almost always made several millions in sales.
So these guys actually know what they are talking about!

What is the course about

The Kibo Code Quantum is an ecommerce course that will show you,no matter if you’re a pro or a bloody beginner in online marketing,how to create an online store that will make you up to 8 figures per month or per year! How crazy is that?
Aidan and Steve will show you step by step how to unleash untapped traffic sources,to make sure that you can generate a high income with the Kibo Code Quantum!

Our Review

Our Kibo Code Quantum Review was set up like this:
  • We Bought the course
  • We went through it step by step
  • We started our own ecommerce store
  • We re-watched the kibo code quantum to push our online shop

Our Review Criteria

We wanted to make sure that we follow a certain set of criteria before we jump right into our Kibo Code Quantum Review.
These criteria look as follows:
  • Clear Instructions
  • User Friendly structure of the course
  • a community
  • teachers with a good track record
  • fair price
  • success?

We have been testing the Kibo Code Quantum through all of these criteria above. This test has been taking several weeks and it took us many people to conduct this Kibo Code Quantum Review. We are sure that you will probably be surprised about the results that this digital marketing course,launched by Steve Clayton and Aidan Booth has come to in our review.

How we tested

We reviewed the course like this: We went ahead,bought it and we wanted to make sure to watch every single minute of it,so that we don’t miss anything out. We wanted to clear out any problems within the digital marketing course directly.
We also had a look on,how Aidan and Steve behaved among the others in the Kibo Code Quantum community. We then went ahead and registered a domain name for our ecommerce store.
We went through the whole training of the online course once again,to make sure that we make everything according to the instructions by Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton.

Kibo Code Quantum Review: The Results

The end result of our test was pretty surprising. We can definitely say that we highly recommend the Kibo Code Quantum,because it is a course that will not only help you to make tons of money,but it will also help you to get to know an awesome community of online marketers and to get to know the creators of the course,Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton themselves!
If you are interested after reading our Review,you can buy the course now!


Easy Ways to Secure Your Childs Smartphone

I wanted to take a look at this subject as I have personally had problems with my own kids and their cell phones. It is a fast growing problem for parents – most of whom have no idea how to help themselves. Being a parent isn’t getting any easier!

The Internet is a vast place. It’s full of extremely useful information,but it is also full of people that might not have your child’s wellbeing in mind. That being said,it’s important to put measures in place to ensure your child and any of their personal information is secure. Children and teens cannot always visualize the consequences of their seemingly trivial actions. It is the parent’s job to teach tech stranger danger and secure their child’s phone.

Stopping Hackers!

When it comes to keeping your kids safe online they can also be vulnerable to the same threats as the rest of us. Hackers are targetting cell phones in ever growing numbers but thankfully there are a few things we can do to keep safe from them. Did you know there are codes called USSD codes that can in some cases help find out if you have been hacked? Check this interesting artcle testing these codes at this security article.

Finding out if you are a target of hackers is an important step when you feel something isn’t right on you phone. I found another great resource for checking if your phone has been hacked at – have a look I think it will help! Now on to some tips to secure your kids phones and help stop the hackers.

1. Keep the Phone Updated

When the phone asks to be updated,be sure to do it. Updates are important to keeping the security of your Smartphone’s operating system as current as possible. Updates can also do things like make the phone run more smoothly,increase battery life,and fix bugs. Keeping the phone updated will also make it so you can get the latest app versions for anything from security software to games.

2. Monitor with Apps

You can download apps to monitor usage of the phone. These apps can be discreetly installed and are password protected. There are many apps like these available,but you will need to research what is compatible with your phone. Cost will also be a factor when researching what monitoring app is right for you.

Two major spy phone apps that I have looked at are mSpy and FlexiSpy – check this FlexiSpy review from the Reflex Guides website. These apps will track text messages,apps downloaded,where the phone is,and who your child is talking to. A bit extreme for some people’s taste I would imagine – but a great tool for others.

3. Password Protect

Password protecting your phone will keep your child’s information safe. Of course,this will need to be a password your child can remember so that they can use the phone. As always,passwords are the first line of defense in keeping your device safe. It’s a simple and free way to protect your child’s phone.

4. Install Antivirus

Children visit all kinds of sites. Even innocuous gaming sites can install malware on your device. There are plenty of antivirus apps available. Some are free and others are a bit more pricey,but anything is better than nothing when it comes to phone protection. Websites like Engadget and Wired are great places to find smartphone antivirus reviews.

5. Keep an Eye on Phone Bills

Phone bills are an easy way to track who is calling whom and how much money is being spent. This is a good way to double-check what you should already know,and you can even request digital copies so that you can stay paper-free but still get a detailed run-down of the month’s phone usage.

The safety of loved ones in this digital world is hard work. It’s crucial to keep a special eye on children,who are more susceptible to online predators. Stop and think for a moment how you can help protect them and educate them to the varied dangers they face now and in the future.
